Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Called to Monasticism?

Still searching for the answers to life? Are you struggling to fill an empty void within? Do you want more to this life than what you currently have? Do you have purpose and meaning? Maybe you are called to be a monk.
The monks of Portsmouth Abbey have found answers to these questions in the Rule of St. Benedict… Could this be the answer for you? We invite you to experience a week of prayer, work, rest, and recreation in our Monastic Life Experience Program for single, college educated, Catholic men, 21-45 years old, who wish to spend some time considering a call to monastic life. This call may be for you! See http://www.portsmouthabbey.org/ for more information.
Even monks have a try before you buy program…


Troy said...

I struggle daily between the wisdom of the bible and a "Lust" for life.

Anonymous said...

Oooo, that's enticing! Sounds like a vacation! :)