Saturday, February 25, 2006

Random Thoughts on Honoring Scripture

How do we honor the Word of God with the totality of our being? Of course, we often pay lip service, but that is not enough. We must exalt and honor Scripture with our whole person. One way to honor Scripture with our hearts is to memorize the Word of God thereby hiding it deep within our hearts. I think of two ways in which we can honor Scripture with our hands. First, having spent a significant time in a Muslim country I came to realize how flippantly we actually physically handle our Bibles. Muslims will not set the Qur’an on the floor nor would they cover it up with another book. They even make special book holders for the proper and respectful placement of the Qur’an in its rightful place. I often wonder if we should treat our Bible’s with a bit more respect, especially in the sight of unbelievers. Secondly, with our hands we honor the Word by obeying it and working it out in our lives. Obedience is the teeth of Scripture in the Christian life. It puts the Word into practice in our own life and the lives of others.

With our ears we must express rapt attention for the reading of the Word. Today, churches do not spend nearly enough time in the public reading of Scripture, but when it is read we often are more easily distracted than carefully listening. It is only through hearing the Word whereby we will grow in the Word so we therefore must give to it our utmost attention. We also don’t read out loud Scripture enough.[1] With our eyes we must give careful attention to the consistent and faithful reading of the Word. Every word is important and such careful study will most certainly bear its fruit. Lastly, as Paul notes we are transformed through the renewing of our minds. The only strong, powerful and true transforming power is the Spirit working through the perfect words of Scripture. It is through the reading, listening, preaching, meditating, and memorizing of Scripture where we will begin to have our minds shaped and renewed –

May the mind of Christ, my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power controlling All I do and say.

May the Word of God dwell richly In my heart from hour to hour, So that all may see I triumph Only through His power.

We are to engage all the senses when it comes to the intake of God’s Word. The more senses we engage the better and higher our chances of retaining Scripture.

[1] Was it not the young Augustine who remarked about the effect Ambrose’s reading of the Scriptures had on him in his Confessions?

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