Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Glorious Mystery of Revelation

God in the mystery of his providence has chosen to reveal himself to us. The God who is there has made himself known. He has boldly and loudly declared himself to deaf and dumb sinners. He has spoken that the deaf may hear and that the blind may see. He has opened plugged ears and closed eyes. What he has revealed is nothing else but himself.

He has revealed himself as holy, just and perfect in every way. There is no human standard which can fully and adequately be compared to God. He has shown through his Word that he cannot stand sin. It is abhorrent to him and those who are sinners (all of humanity) stand at enmity with him. There is a (seemingly) irreparable breach in the worship of God. His holiness demands justice and therefore all stand condemned as sinners before an angry God.

Yet, he has also revealed himself in love and mercy. He has revealed himself in the Word made flesh. God became man and tabernacled with us. The Word became flesh. Jesus was the climax of the revelation of God. His perfect life and death offer salvation to all of those who God draws. Those who come weary and thirsty to Christ will find eternal life. There is no way to discover Christ apart from his Word. Salvation comes through hearing, reading, believing and appropriating the Word of Life (Rom. 10). There is no other way of salvation except through the name of Jesus – through his person and work. Christ is the sinner’s hope and Christ is met within the Holy Scriptures. To know Scripture is to know Christ.[1]

[1] The way I use “know” here is how Packer uses the word in Knowing God. It is more than just mere knowledge apart from heart affection, but it is knowledge that engages the whole person to develop a deep and lasting commitment to Christ.

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