Wednesday, March 01, 2006

David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Martyn Lloyd-Jones' death. He died March 1st, 1981 requesting of his family, "Don't pray for healing, don't try to hold me back from the glory." The medical doctor - turned preacher - had a Christ-centered ministry at Westminster Chapel in London for over 30 years. His legacy abides through his numerous books, audio sermons and lectures which can be found through the Martyn Lloyd Jones Recordings Trust. His sermons on spiritual depression have been a great encouragement to my own soul. He begins upon the rock of Christ's imputed righteousness found in justification through faith in Christ alone. This, Llyod-Jones argues is the only foundation proper for truly understanding and putting depression in its proper and biblical context. Building upon this foundation, ever the doctor, Lloyd-Jones, takes the scalpel to the layers of depression and peels away that which is caused by sin, personality, and other difficulties. Throughout this work his hand is firm, but always caring. While he recognizes that depressed Christians don't make good Christians he doesn't dismiss them but seeks to move them to Christ for restoration and hope. The glory of Lloyd-Jones is his continually leading people to behold the beauty of Christ the Savior and Lord. May his legacy not die out with him, but pass on for generations. (HT: Reformation 21)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother! Thanks for that.
