Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tony Dungy: A Model Coach

Chris Collinsworth has written a good piece on Tony Dungy's trend setting coaching style. Collinsworth is not as interested in how many wins Dungy has under his belt or how he handles himself on the field as he is in how Dungy prioritizes his football career with family and faith. He argues in the article for the necessity of more coaches following the example Dungy has set. Following from that he believes that coaches should better prioritize their life with the purpose of spending more time with family. He concludes his article with high regard for Dungy.
Tony Dungy has set so many standards for all coaches to follow. His graceful demeanor and respectful handling of players, media, and fans are second to none in the history of this league. But maybe most importantly is the way he has prioritized his life with God, family, and football coming in the proper order. My hope is that with a few changes, more coaches will be given an opportunity prioritize their lives in Tony's image.
One cannot but see the Lord taking such an awful event, as the suicide of Dungy's son, and working and shaping it for the good of those whom he loves. People are beginning to see the importance which Dungy has set on his family and more importantly on his God. Dungy has already proven himself as a coach with no rivals while on the field and what this horrible loss is also proving is the faithfulness of God through Christ working in the lives of the Dungy family. Christ will be glorified in ALL circumstances. He works in truly mysterious ways.

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