Saturday, October 22, 2005

Anti-Christian Riot in Egypt

The showing of a two year old play in a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt sparked a riot brining about 5,000 Muslims descending down upon the church. Police had to use tear gas and rubber bullets in order to quell the crowd. One man was killed after being trampled in the mob. Muslims tried to storm St. George Church as they pelted the building with stones. The DVD was a taped performance of a play entitled "I was Blind but now I can See." It portrays the story of a Christian who turns to Islam and later becomes disillusioned with his new faith. He is later "saved" by a Muslim. Egypt's Ministry of Interior described those rioting as "fanatic elements" but one has to wonder if 5,000 people are all fanatics confused about the true nature of Islam or 5,000 people who see the very heart of Islam as being anti-Christian.

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