Saturday, October 01, 2005

San Fran's Folsom Street Fair

On September 25, 400,000 people from the homosexual community congregated in San Francisco for the purpose of raising money to benefit homosexual and AIDS agencies. The event, ,Folsom Street Fair (click at your own risk - homosexually activities pictured), raised over $265,000. Yet, the interesting thing is that hardly any of the media has picked up the story. Why? Because of what takes place at this event. Let's just say it makes Sodom and Gomorrah look mild. Baptist Press has an interesting article on the event and its lack of media coverage.


freethoughtguy said...

The Folsom Street Fair is not just for homosexuals. It's for all people with passion. (or who just want to look.)

William E. Turner Jr. said...

Please see my fuller post for a response to the freethinker.