Sunday, October 16, 2005

God's Work in Salvation

Will Metzger, in his excellent book on evangelism, argues that salvation is an absolute work of the sovereign and living God. He artfully spends most of his book describing and declaring the depravity of sin and the glory of the gospel. While his book has some detail on methods it is primarily based about the message – the gospel of Christ. He beautifully proclaims the work of our mighty God in salvation:
So God, in Christ, calls to us in our complacency. We hear the outward call offering good news, but we are unwilling. Then the Holy Spirit enters the basement and turns up the heat of conviction. We now have an inner urge, a desire to get out of that house. That desire is fanned into a passionate flame by Christ’s alluring beauty and his provision of a place of safety and love – at home with the Father and adopted into his family. I became willing and choose Christ because of what I desired in my mind was changed by God’s empowering, evocative grace! Sovereign grace gives power to obey, as well as grants pardon for disobedience. My will is freed.

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