Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah

I don't like noisy toys. You know the ones I am talking about. We have a whole bag of them in our basement. And every time you walk near the bag about ten different toys go off making all kinds of annoying noises. If you have children you have a LFT (least favorite toy) as Michele Norris calls them. Unfortunately we have more than I would like. Norris has a nice little piece (Wishing for a Silent Night in Toyland) about noisy toys and the headaches they cause. In the end of reviewing a few obnoxious noisemakers she settles for the mind inspiring creativity found in Lincoln Logs. Not only do these quieter toys make less noise they also allow for more creativity and thought in the child's mind. So if your child receives some annoying gifts for Christmas at the very least take out the batteries and even better suffocate Talking Elmo making sure that his whinny little voice is never heard again. Just make sure you hide the body. :)

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