Monday, July 25, 2005

Reformation 21

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has just begun a new online journal called Reformation 21. The inaugural issue begins with discussing the controversial New Perspective on Paul. Ligon Duncan kicks off the issue with "Do we need a New Perspective on Paul." Richard Phillips also has a three part series, which looks at "The New Perspective on Justification." He begins by looking at the history and development of the New Perspective on Paul (NPP). Then he evaluates NPP's understanding of justification closing it off with a case study on the imputation of Christ's righteousness. Reformation 21 also offers book reviews, a blog and a section titled Counterpoint which deals with culture and seeks to apply biblical principles to this world. Reformation 21 is edited by Derek Thomas and will have contributions from J. Ligon Duncan, Carl Trueman, Phil Ryken, Richard Phillips and others. This should prove to be an excellent resource to fulfill the mission of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (a mission which I wholly endorse):
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context.
(HT: Between Two Worlds)


Anonymous said...

This is really some quality material. Thanks for alerting us to it. I especially enjoyed Dr. Duncan's piece on the New Perspective, very clear, succinct, accurate, and informative on the basics. I'll start recommending that to people who ask for a primer on the NPP.

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